Sunday, June 14, 2009

Terrible Twos

We have officially entered the Terrible Twos. My sweet little boy has moment where he can turn into this.....

Crying, screaming, hitting, and biting are just a few of the lovely things that my child will do during a "fit."

I understand that this can be considered as normal behavior during the Terrible Twos but it doesn't make it any easier to handle.

My biggest struggle is that he WILL NOT eat. I mean anything. Right the ONLY things that he will eat most of the time is yogurt covered raisins, applesauce, and pretzels. Forget about real vegetables. Any kind of protein, not a chance. Thank god he still drinks his milk twice a day. After each meal time I feel like throwing a "fit!"

I know that I'm extra sensitive about his food intake because he was a preemie and has always been low side of percentages for his weight. He is also a thrower upper. I mean a slight gag and his entire meal comes up. He also (occasionally) throws up during bedtime or nap but that is a whole other post.

If anyone has ANY advise on how to weather the storm I'd gladly take it!!


Casey said...

Hey! Barrett went through this phase too. Unfortunately I hate to say that it doesn't get better when they're 3 either. Now that he's 4, I am s-l-o-w-l-y seeing a change in the right direction (Knock on wood)!!

Just hang in there and remember to keep your cool with him. If they see you starting to lose it, they will know they've won. I also had to start practicing my "scary" voice because Barrett always thought I was joking and would start laughing when I reprimanded him. So I try to use a very monotone voice and make a mean face (this sounds stupid but I'd start by pursing my lips together) so he'd know I meant business.

Casey said...

One other thing too. About the biting... we went through that and tried everything- ignoring, biting back, you name it. I can't say really what worked other than just making the mean face and putting him in time out. He seemed to outgrow that quickly though.

The food thing is still a struggle with us and our rule is if you don't eat it for dinner, you have to eat it for lunch the next day. It usually works- if not that night, then the next day.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Um, I say take it in stride and walk away if you have to...the twos are awful.

And, we don't push the eating anymore, she doesn't have to eat if she doesn't want to, just make sure there isn't a lot of snacking going on.

Lauren said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I wanted to come over and say "HI"! I do not currently have an etsy shop. I took my artwork off right before I had my baby after Christmas. Right now it is just word of mouth.

Also, my first daughter, who is now 6 1/2 lived off of air (still doesn't eat much) and threw up when she got upset. My dr. never worried and told us not to fight food. It's sooo hard though, isn't it? Best, best wishes!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, the terrible twos.

Here's my food advice. They really start slowing down with their growing around this stage. Don't push the eating, but don't offer him anything else.

And, I've heard as long as they eat one good meal every three days you are good to go.