Family - I love our little family so much. Jason and I constantly talk about how blessed we are to have our "good buddy." I also have fabulous parents and in-laws. They are always there when we need them and even when we don't.
Facials - Have you had one? It's heaven. Just thinking about it makes me want to schedule one.
Friends - I feel blessed to have some the best friends in the world. I've had the same best friend since 4th grade. She has seen me through EVERYTHING. I LOVE my sorority sisters!!! No matter how long it's been since I talked with any of them I know they'd be there if I needed them. I have also made great friends teaching over the years.
Funnel cakes - They make me feel like a kid again each time I eat one!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fun lovin'
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'll take an E please...
Earings - I wear my favorite pair of earing all most everyday. My diamond studs. They were a present from my parents when I got married. They are very special to me.
Elastic - Probably the most wonderful invention for women when we are having a "fat" day. I love coming home and putting on my comfy pants after a long day.
D- lightful
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
C to Believe
Christ - He died for us. Enough said.
Caramels - Specifically caramels from Fannie May. The BEST in the world. Little bites of heaven.
Camera - I love taking pictures with my new camera that I got at Christmas. I keep it on my at all times now so I can capture all of Ben's cuteness! :)
Calla Lillies - I think that these are so elegant and simple. I had them by the alter at my wedding.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
B is for Ben
This letter is VERY easy for me!
Benjamin - He is the light of my life and the reason I smile 20 times a day. I can't imagine my life with out him. He is the perfect combination of sweet and stubborn. He loves to cuddle with his mommy.
Breakfast food - You name I love it...french toast, check....pancakes, check.....bacon, check...
Babies - I love the way they smell and how they fit perfectly in the nape of your neck. I can't wait to have another one!
Books - I have really started to enjoy reading and always have at least two that I'm reading now.
Bargains - I love a good deal and feel really proud of myself when I find something amazing at half the price.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
100th Post!
100 things about me
- I have the most wonderful two year old little boy.
- I know this sounds corny but I truly believe God made Jason for me.
- I love candy, like kiddy candy. Some of my favs are sour patch kids, gummy cherries, and gummy cokes.
- I have no cousins.
- I hate to make my bed.
- I have a half sister who lives in California.
- I’ve lived in 7 different states and Georgia is my favorite :)
- I can be a little too honest sometimes and it can get me trouble.
- My husband can make anyone laugh but me.
- I took 8 years of French.
- I always sleep in the left side of the bed.
- I sleep on my tummy and like to cuddle with a pillow while I sleep.
- I’m a freak about washing hands!!! I always have sanitizer with me.
- Diet Coke is my favorite thing to drink. I need one at least a day.
- I didn’t start drinking diet coke until I was 24. I used to like the leaded stuff.
- I hope to have more children, God willing.
- I have double jointed arms and hands.
- I need it to be very quiet and dark to fall asleep.
- I’m a very light sleeper.
- I have a very strong sense of smell. I can tell if someone is smoking like 50 feet away.
- I strongly dislike smoking.
- I danced in Super Bowl XXVIII.
- I saw OJ Simpson. (before the murders)
- I met my husband when I was 19.
- Our first date was on Valentine’s Day.
- I don’t camp. EVER.
- I hate being late for things. It drives me crazy!
- I love to bake.
- I love the color of my eyes.
- I’d like to be able to run long distances one day. I don’t know if I’ll ever reach that goal.
- I broke my collar bone when I was around two. I fell jumping on a bed. My parents didn’t realize anything was REALLY wrong until I didn’t want to eat my McDonald’s.
- My favorite song is “With or Without You” by U2.
- I don’t like coffee. The only thing I like at Starbucks is caramel apple cider.
- I loved being a teacher.
- 2nd grade was my favorite grade to teach.
- My favorite season is the fall.
- I love trashy reality TV. My husband hates this!
- The only make up I wear on a regular basis is eyeliner and lipstick.
- I’m very competitive when I play board games.
- I LOVE anything Clemson.
- C-L-E-M-S-O-N, fight tigers, fight tigers, fight, fight!!!
- I don’t mind watching football.
- I’m a horrible speller. Thank goodness for spell check!
- I stay up too late almost every night and regret it every morning.
- I hate going to bed mad, and I try to avoid it at all costs.
- My favorite holiday is Christmas.
- I knew Jason was going to be the man I marry very shortly after meeting him.
- My husband cleans more than I do. I think that this a great thing!
- I’m a dog person, I hate cats.
- I’d like to go to Maine one day.
- I’m not fond of knick knacks. I don’t collect anything.
- I have a great sense of direction.
- I never have cash on me.
- I’m a Republican.
- My view on abortion changed after having Ben.
- I tend to want to fast forward during really scary parts of movies.
- I don’t like the Harry Potter books. I was teaching when they came out and tried to read the first one and hated it.
- My neck will flush when I get upset and sometimes it will for no reason.
- My toenails always have to be painted.
- I’m not a very adventurous person.
- I have gotten migraines since I was about 5 years old.
- I’m scared of roller coasters.
- I love to read magazines, especially the ones like US weekly and People.
- I love the Food Network, though I don’t watch as often anymore.
- I have a horrible singing voice.
- I love to snuggle.
- I’ve had the same best friend since I was in 4th grade.
- Growing up I was always a “good girl.” I never got in trouble and followed the rules.
- I’m a picky eater.
- If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be bread and butter.
- My sign is Aquarius, I am nothing like it.
- I love office supplies.
- My high schools years were good but college was GREAT!
- I laugh at my own jokes.
- My middle name is Michele.
- I’m not good at decorating. I wish I was though.
- I never write in cursive. My print is much better.
- I wore bangs for too many years.
- Most perfumes give me a headache.
- I didn’t start wearing my contacts until my senior year of college.
- I love to swim.
- I just started to enjoy reading after not being interested for years.
- I have recently been reading 2 books a week.
- I need to go to church more but Ben is not really loving the nursery.
- This is harder than I thought.
- I have many ODC tendencies.
- I can play the flute or I could.
- I watch Young and the Restless everyday.
- I’ve thought about going to culinary school. Specifically, pastry.
- I don’t mind doing laundry just putting it away.
- I don’t know how to ride a bike but rode a tandem bike with Jason a few years ago at Hilton Head.
- I was born in Chicago. Most of my family is from there.
- I tend to take on leadership roles when I join any kind of group or organization.
- I LOVE the Twilight series. Love, love, love Edward.
- I don’t’ have any tattoos or weird piercings.
- I spend too much money at Target.
- Flip flops are my favorite type of shoe. I didn’t like them until about two years ago.
- I love breakfast for dinner.
- This took a lot more time than I thought!
- The little things in life make me happy.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Copy Cat
A friend of mine is writing down things that she is grateful for and I thought that I'd do the same. It is helpful when you think things aren't going well or just need a reminder of how lucky you are. I'm going to try and do this everyday and go through the whole alphabet.
Applesauce - It is one of the few things that I can always get Ben to eat. Meal times are not always so fun around here. (see here)
Air Supply - I love their music! Just makes me want to sing out loud.
Acceptance - Something I'm thankful that I have from my wonderful husband :)